Impact of factors contributing to the death and injury of people in fires on the effects of fires in cities and rural areas

  • Post category:№ 13

V.V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

The results of the analysis of the influence of a number of factors contributing to the death and injury of people in fires, in order to assess their impact on the consequences of fires in cities and rural areas Analyzed the dependence of death and injury of people in fires from the time of arrival of the first fire Department to the A comparison of the number of deaths and injuries in fires in 2016-2018 in cities with similar data in rural areas. The influence of the physiological state of people on the consequences of fires is considered. The main factors that increase the risk of death and injury in fires are identified. Ways to reduce the risk of death in fires are discussed.

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