Numerical determination of the quantity of melting drops at a single-phase short circuit

Yu.S. Kozlova
FSAEIHE «South Ural State University (national research university)»

A single-phase short fault is one of the frequent types of overhead power lines unbalance. The resulting currents can cause fires. Break-sparks (melting drops) grad to heat source that have a high ignition ability and can become an ignition source. Existing assessment techniques do not allow taking in account various electrical network parameters on the fire hazardous parameters of molten metal droplets determining. At the same time, the dependences of the number and melting drops size on the short-circuit ampere, the short-circuit duration and etc. are necessary to understanding of the ensuring fire safety process in electric power lines. The mathematical model of the melting drops formation for wires of different cross sections based on the results of the experiment and using the experiment planning theory is obtained.

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