Combustion products motion modes in a smoke exhaust system vertical channel

  • Post category:№ 15

A.A. Kuzmin, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent; N.N. Romanov, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.A. Permyakov, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Science
Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

We researched factors affecting the combustion products motion mode along vertically oriented channels of the smoke exhaust system. We proposed to neglect inertial forces, which involves studying the effects of three forces: gravity, aerodynamic drag, and overpressure. It is determined that the dependence of the gas flow pressure on the gas column height in a non-isothermal flow is nonlinear. It is shown that the flow of combustion products along a vertically oriented channel of the smoke exhaust system changes from laminar to the turbulent mode when a return flow appears. It occurs when the longitudinal velocity gradient is positive.

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