Graduate’s competency card

  • Post category:№ 16

N.A. Kropotova, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences; I.A. Legkova, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Docent
IFRA of SFS of EMERCOM of Russia

The article is devoted to the study of the process of automated assessment of students competence to improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of technosphere and fire safety, since the entire educational process implements the competence concept. The prospects of using an automated program to improve the efficiency of managing the training process using an electronic information educational environment are considered. The authors describe the concept of «Competence map of the student», and offer an automated program for displaying learning results in two forms: a table and a diagram. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the formation of students’ competencies on the example of the discipline «Labor Protection» are presented.

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