Prevention of sports injuries among cadets of the ural institute of the state fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia

  • Post category:№ 17

V.V. Basharov1; V.V. Verkhoturov2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Biological Sciences, Full Professor
1Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia
2Irkutsk national research technical university

The article deals with the analysis of injuries of cadets of the Ural Institute of the state fire service of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia. The main causes and circumstances leading to sports injuries are considered, and the nature and severity of the injuries are indicated. The author discusses the competence approach to conducting physical culture and sports classes among the Institute’s cadets. A causal model is constructed that allows us to offer a set of preventive measures aimed at reducing sports injuries among cadets. Special attention is paid to quality management conducting classes and monitoring compliance with preventive measures

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