Development of methods for assessing the state of the safety and health management systems in the FPS GPS
Streltsov O.V.; Shavyrina T.A., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Bobrinev E.V., Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; Kondashov A.A., Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences; Udavtsova E.Yu., Ph.D. of Engineering SciencesFGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia The main directions of monitoring the state of Safety and Health Management Systems are analyzed in the FPS GPS. A mathematical model […]
Some problematic issues of the Russian Federation modern legislation in the field of public administration departments fire service management
Dashko S.A.1; Sushko E.A.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Makarov V.M.31Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia for the Krasnodar territory2Voronezh State Technical University3FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article presents data on some topical issues of modern legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of management of state fire service […]
Aproximation to dependencies amount ruins at fire in Russian Federation from age of the perpetrator of the fire
Kaibichev I.A.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Physico-mathematical Sciences, Docent; Kaibicheva E.I2, Ph.D. of Economic Sciences1The Ural Institute of State Firefighting service of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense; 2Ural State University of Economics The possibilities of using Gompertz, Gompertz-Meikham, Ferhulst models to approximate the dependence of the number of […]
Approbation of computer modeling methods in the analysis of firefighting actions
Malyutin O.S.; Vasilev S.A., Ph.D.; CHuldum CH.V., CHabanov K.D., Rogov V.V.FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia The article presents the main results of experiments on computer simulation of fighting to extinguish a real fire and subsequent analysis of the model. The article describes the problems of using […]
Application of risk-based activity model in fire safety management
Yakunin A.A.1; Lobaev I.A.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent1Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia;2SFA of EMERCOM of Russia The effectiveness of the risk-based approach in the implementation of control and Supervisory measures in the field of fire safety depends on a reasonable ratio of costs for fire protection of objects […]
Fire safety management in the conditions of risk-based business model
Shakhov D.V.Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Tyva The article describes the problem of the effectiveness of financial costs for ensuring fire safety of objects, taking into account the presence of threats of death and injury to people at the objects and damage to the property of an economic entity that […]
Two-factor analysis of variance of death of people in fires in the regions of the southern federal district
I.A. Kaibichev, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Physico-mathematical Sciences; K.I. Kalimullina The Ural Institute of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense The dispersion analysis of deaths in fires in the regions of the Southern Federal district was performed according to the data of 2001-2016. With a probability of 0.95, […]
A sociological study of the impact of the fires with the use of factor analysis
V.V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia The results of studies of social risks in the field of fire safety are presented. The risk of death in fires depending on the demographic characteristics of […]
Effective indicators of the optimal selection of rescue equipment for small and dispersed objects
S. N. Masaev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; A.N. Minkin1,2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, assistant professor; D.A. Edimichev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences 1 FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University, Oil and gas institute, department on fire safety 2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to the definition of rational decisions […]
Effective indicators of the optimal selection of rescue equipment for small and dispersed objects
N.S. Shimon1; A.V. Kalach2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Chemical Sciences, Full professor; А.А. Мельник3, канд. тех. наук, доцент; Е.В. Калач2, канд. техн. наук, доцент 1 State Institution of the Voronezh Region «Civil Defense, Population Protection and Fire Safety of the Voronezh Region» 2 Voronezh State Technical University 3 Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy […]
Regressionnyy analysis of the temporary row amount in Russia
I.A. Kaibichev1, Doctor in Physical and Mathematic Sciences; E.I. Kaibicheva2, Ph.D. of Economic Sciences 1The Ural Institute of State Firefighting Service of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense; 2The Ural State University of Economics The considered possibilities to aproximations of the temporary row amount fire in Russia for 2001-2017 most often used mathematical function. […]
Straight and reverse pump-hose systems computation methods
O.S. Malyutin; S.A. Vasilev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; P.A. Osavelyuk, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The paper provides an overview of different pump-hose systems computation methods in fire service. Emphasis is placed on approximation features of using methods. Declared concepts of straight and reverse pump-hose systems […]
Settlement definition of area of normative service of fire departments in the territory of the city of Krasnoyars
A. A. Melnik, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.V. Antonov, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; N.V Martinovich; O.S. Malyutin FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article describes the process of creating an information system for calculating the areas of normative service time of fire departments. A description of the calculation method […]
The study of prospective safety hazards
A.P. Savin, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, docent; S.P. Cherniy, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, docent FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The study of prospective safety hazards is primarily associated with information technology, and as a result with virtual reality. Nanotechnologies are increasingly entering our life; the question of their danger naturally […]
Approach to assessing the level of public awareness in the field of life safety
A. A. Melnik, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.V. Antonov, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; N.V Martinovich; I.V. Atylin FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The possible algorithm of assessment of level of knowledge of the population on the basis of results of sociological poll is presented in article. This indicator reflects […]
Comparative analysis of indicators of rapid response units of different types of fire protection
V.V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia The tasks and resources of voluntary fire protection public associations are considered. The comparative analysis of indicators of consequences of fires (death, injury, direct material damage) […]
Comparative analysis of indicators of rapid response units of different types of fire protection
V.V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia The tasks and resources of voluntary fire protection public associations are considered. The comparative analysis of indicators of consequences of fires (death, injury, direct material damage) […]
Using the R programming language for fire safety issues: Principal component analysis
E.N. Materov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article describes the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) applied to the analysis of data on fires in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the possibility of implementing this method in the R programming language. The stages of implementation are […]
Analysis of the results of experimental exploitation of the prototype information system of achievements and results of the teaching staff of educational organizations of higher education EMERCOM of Russia
A.A. Melnik, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; P.A. Osavelyuk, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; D.V. Ivanov; S.A. Vasilev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article provides an overview of the process of introduction of the prototype information system of the results of teaching staff of educational organizations of […]
Using the R programming language for fire safety issues: data wrangling and data visualization
E.N. Materov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article provides an overview of the R programming language, its capabilities for processing and visualization of tabular data on examples related to fire safety issues. Besides, the basic principles of graphics by means of R are shown, as […]
Pump-hose systems hydraulic calculations problem in fire tactics
O.S. Malyutin; S.A. Vasilev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article provides an overview of possible options for the construction of pump-hose systems in extinguishing fires, as well as methods of their calculation. The most common variants of pump-hose systems are given, their description and features […]
Information Decision Support System units EMERCOM of Russia under the threat of wildfires
V.S. Komorovsky, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Siberian State Technological University The development of decision support system for wildfire threat cases is considered. The information system has been developed for crisis management departments of Russia Emercom. Open » // Link for a citation Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер
Computer modeling of fire and evacuation in the paradigm of BIM
E.S. Kirik, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Institute of Computational Modelling, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Application of modeling of development of the fire and evacuation in the context of modern editions FZ-123 «Technical regulations about requirements of fire safety» and the Order of 382 Ministries of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation […]
The main criteria for the actual load reduction on the part of the inspector’s department of supervisory activities on the GPS EMERCOM of Russia Fire Supervision
N.V. Martinovich; A.V. Antonov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; I.N. Tatarkin FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article describes the main tasks and functions of the personnel of the state fire supervision. Analyzed, proposed and substantiated the main ways of reducing the burden on the staff of the state fire supervision. […]
Information Management Software natural and technogenic safety
V.V. Nicheporchuk, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Institute of Computational Modelling, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences This paper presents the applied aspects of risk assessment and control of the emergencies and crisis situations based on the comprehensive data monitoring. The processes of consolidation and application of information resources for risk management are considered. […]