Transition processes in electrical circuits – the possible consequences and mathematical description

Kovel A.A., holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences; Babenyshev S.V., Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences; Materov E.N., Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The classical method of description of transition processes arises from the solution of differential equations, which requires the introduction of the concepts of forced and free modes, causing difficulties in the physical interpretation. The considered approach comes only from the physics of processes and does not require the introduction of these concepts which yields to similar results using a simpler mathematical machinery. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер

Planning and implementation of measures for wildfire prevention in the Altai-Sayan ecoregion based on anthropogenic fire hazard assessment

Andreev Y.A.1,2,holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences; Andreev A.Y.2; Bryukhanov A.V3, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences 1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia 2FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University 3V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS – separate subdivision of the FRS KSC SB RAS Specificity and distribution of protected areas of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion by the level of human-caused fire hazard were described. Fire prevention complexes were proposed for different levels of fire hazard. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер

Assessment of influence of products of burning on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when performing actions for suppression of the fires

Melnik A.A., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Antonov A.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Martinovich N.V.; Tatarkin I.N. FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia Article is devoted to a problem of ensuring personal security of staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when conducting actions for suppression of the fires and the related wrecking. Threats of influence of toxicants of the environment of the fire on health and efficiency of the person are considered. Risks of influence of monoxide of carbon on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when performing actions for suppression of the fires are considered. The relevance of development of actions for decrease in toxic impact on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions at suppression of the fires without use of individual protection equipment of respiratory organs is proved. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер

Safety control system of a transport container

Pozharkova I.N.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Chubar A.V.1,2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Kiselev O.I.2; Lagunov A.N.1, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences 1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia 2FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University Decomposition of the safety control system of a transport container is carried out. The computer model of technological process of systems of providing temperature condition and pressurization in the visual modeling environment SimInTech is constructed. The operator console allowing to control the key technological parameters of security systems of a transport container is developed. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер

Concept of formation of safety passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies

Babintsev I. V.; Nekrasov I. V.; Nicheporchuk V. V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences Institute of Computational Modelling, SB RAS This paper presents the convenience of developing passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies for data consolidation, analysis and visualization. Existing approaches are analyzed. Modernization acting methodological recommendations on keeping passports is necessity. Algorithms for the formation, actualization and use of passports on the basis of information resources intersystem and interdepartmental integration are proposed. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер

Control and prediction of floods on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk kray through the use of neural network algorithms

Grebnev Y.V.1,Yarovoy A.V.2,3 1FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University, Institute of space and information technology 2Chief Directorate of the Emercom of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory 3FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The paper presents preliminary results of the investigation of the possibility of using neural network algorithms for forecasting natural emergency situations. Natural emergencies are natural forest fires and floods. In work the basic principles of forecasting of emergency situations of natural character with use of neural networks are disassembled. A forecasting model has been developed and an efficiency estimate has been made for application within the framework of the executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. More » // Citation link for this article Citation link for this article Close link… Copy to clipboard

Increase of efficiency of radiation monitoring of closed administrative territorial formation with objects of nuclear industry and adjacent territories

Sergeev I.Y., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to the rational choice of radiation monitoring systems necessary to increase the efficiency of monitoring and radiation monitoring. As well as tasks and possible research directions. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования статьи Закрыть link… Скопировать в буфер


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