
Problems of formation of innovative competence of adjuncts studying in educational institutions of higher education of the ministry of Еmergency situations of Russia

Muradisova Z.F. , Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences
The Civil Defense Academy of EMERCOM of Russia

The article substantiates the urgency of the need to form the innovative competence of graduate students, adjuncts of higher education organizations of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia, as one of the factors for solving the problem of shortage of highly qualified personnel. The problem issues related to the formation of innovative competence of adjuncts studying in higher education institutions of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia are briefly described. The article substantiates the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of training highly qualified personnel, taking into account the directions of innovative development of the Russian Federation.

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Combining the military collective of trainers as an important pedagogical task

Savin A.P., Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent; Cherny S.P., Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article investigates the problem of cohesion of a team of cadets in the first year. The authors investigate the stages and levels of formation of the military collective of cadets in the first year. There is given an analysis of the situation of cohesion of the cadets’ collective in the Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia. The methods of work on the development of discipline, tolerance and culture of communication in the academy are highlighted.

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Current issues of training the population on fire safety

Popov S.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Schenyaev V.I.
The Badge of Honorur Federal State Budgetary Establishment All-Russia Research Institute for Fire Protection (Orenburg branch)

Preparing the population on fire safety is the most important state task to preserve the life and health of people, reducing the number of fires and the severity of their consequences. Preparation involves various forms, including propaganda, instructions and education. The article discusses the problems of training in fire safety employed and unemployed population, first of all, the emphasis is on basics of fire safety. The analysis of the problems showed that several important tasks are required including bringing the regulatory legal framework for basics of fire safety in accordance with the Russian legislation on education.

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Some problematic issues of the Russian Federation modern legislation in the field of public administration departments fire service management

Dashko S.A.1; Sushko E.A.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Makarov V.M.3
1Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia for the Krasnodar territory
2Voronezh State Technical University
3FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents data on some topical issues of modern legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of management of state fire service units. Special attention is paid to the issues of interaction and distribution of powers between the territorial body of the EMERCOM of Russia and the government of the subject in the field of ensuring the safety of the population.

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Analysis of the problem situation of monitoring the radiation situation in closed administrative-territorial entities with nuclear industry facilities

Mazanik A.I.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Military Sciences, Full Professor; Valuev N.P.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Docent; Sergeev I.Y.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Nikolaev G.A.2
1Civil Defense Academy EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article analyzes the problem situation of organizing and monitoring the radiation situation in closed administrative-territorial entities with nuclear industry facilities. The efficiency indicator of the radiation monitoring system was determined. The problem situation caused by the low level of efficiency of the existing system is formulated, and possible directions of its resolution are shown. At the verbal level, a scientific task is formulated, which consists in the development of a scientific and methodological apparatus for substantiating rational parameters of the radiation monitoring system. The stages of solving the scientific problem are defined. The analysis of factors that should be taken into account when choosing rational parameters of the radiation monitoring system is carried out.

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Analysis of the consequences of forest fires in the Irkutsk region and the efficiency of measures to protect settlements

Izmailova V.N.1; Shubkin R.G.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Karelin E.N.2; Nikulin M.A.3
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
3FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural SAU

The paper analyzes the consequences of forest fires in the Irkutsk region. The main purpose of the article is to consider the problem of transitions of forest fires to objects of settlements and the development of modern protective and preventive measures. Methods of statistical processing of data on forest fires on reports of the Ministry of emergency situations of Russia are used. The results obtained indicate that the measures currently used to protect localities from forest fires are not effective enough. The solution of this problem is facilitated by a more in-depth study of the course of fire-dangerous periods to identify areas of high mountain ability.

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Analysis of the problem situation in case of using information flood forecasting sistems by units of EMERCOM of Russia

Tkachenko P.N., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Vakorin M.V.
The Civil Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia

The existing methods of choosing flood control measures are considered. A description of the most promising approaches is given and some disadvantages are highlighted that impede the solution of the problem of choosing a rational composition of flood control measures. A method is proposed for assessing the contribution of early flood control measures to reducing flood damage based on ranking. An example is given of assessing the contribution of flood control measures to reducing flood damage on the Tom River according to the initial data for 2018.

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Expanding the application of bionic morse code for covert hydroacoustic communication systems

Gavrishev A.A.
North-Caucasus Federal University

Covert hydroacoustic communication systems based on biosimilar signals are considered on the example of a covert hydroacoustic communication system from [13; 14], which is based on the bionic Morse code. It is shown that in the well-known works [13; 14] does not present bionic Morse code for Russian letters, numerical values ​​and punctuation marks, which potentially narrows the scope of its application. A bionic Morse code has been developed, extending the use of the bionic Morse code from [13; 14] for covert hydroacoustic communication systems, for example, in the prevention and elimination of emergencies at water and underwater objects, the study of potentially dangerous underwater objects and other special tasks, by adding Russian letters, numbers and punctuation marks to it.

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The appearance of automated information systems for personalized notification of aircraft passengers in emergency situations of high-altitude flight

Kukushkin Yu.A.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Markov N.A.2; Bogomolov A.V.1,3, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Dvornikov M.V.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Medical Science, Full Professor; Shishov A.A.3, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Medical Science, Full Professor
1Central Research Institute of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
2Research and Production Enterprise «Topaz»
3State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental substantiation of the appearance of automated information systems for personalized notification of aircraft passengers in emergency situations of high-altitude flight, implemented on the basis of the concept of cyber-physical systems. Informing about the danger of an emergency is carried out by calculating in real time an estimate of the reserve time for preserving consciousness. The calculated estimate of the reserve time for preserving consciousness is presented to the passengers of the aircraft using visual and / or voice information devices coupled with oxygen masks and / or passenger seats.

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Analysis of accidents and development of a fire hazard situation on an oil tanker

Kalach A.V.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Chemical Sciences, Full Professor; Sharapov S.V.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Krutolapov A.S.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Docent; Demekhin F.V.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences
1VRI of the FPS of Russia
2Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents data on the analysis of accidents and the development of a fire hazard situation on an oil tanker using computer modeling. The analysis and generalization of statistical data on accidents at gas and oil production facilities carried out. Special attention paid to the accident rate of oil tankers.

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