Straight and reverse pump-hose systems computation methods

O.S. Malyutin; S.A. Vasilev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; P.A. Osavelyuk, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The paper provides an overview of different pump-hose systems computation methods in fire service. Emphasis is placed on approximation features of using methods. Declared concepts of straight and reverse pump-hose systems computation methods. Marks specific for each of them pros and cons. Making detailed overview of straight computation method and taking comparative analyze of complex pump-hose systems computation with different methods results. Especially marked pump-hose correct calculation practice significance from point of view of its effective construction and safety work. In the end of paper making conclusion about special software for pump-hose systems computation based on described methods development necessity and although about necessity to pay attention for correct construction and computation of them during fire service employee professional education process.

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