D.A. Edimichev1 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, docent; A.N. Minkin1,2 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, docent; S.N. Masaev1 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, docent; Y.A. Tarasova1
1Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian Federal University”,
2FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
The work is devoted to the issues of the efficiency of using electrical filtering and dust removal equipment at fire and explosion hazardous objects of high content of dust and combustible fibers, for example of the Krasnoyarsk feed mill. The article presents the results of the pilot application of an electrostatic precipitator in the ventilation system of a feed mill, proving the possibility of its safe use and a high degree of dusty air purification, which will significantly reduce the risk of primary and secondary dust explosions. Also, the article provides a description of the device of the proposed electrostatic precipitator, which allows for the process of dust removal in fire-hazardous premises, characterized by an increased concentration of organic fine dust in the air.
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