Ivanov A.R. Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences
Saint Petersburg State University industrial technology and design

An attempt has been made to establish a relationship between the incidence of the population of one of the central districts of St. Petersburg with upper respiratory tract disorders and nitrogen dioxide concentrations in street air in 2006-2012. The factor analysis was applied. The ultimate goal of the study was to obtain the mathematical interdependence of these indicators. To achieve this, methods were taken from the concept of risk. As a result, the loss of life expectancy under the influence of this harmful factor in two different groups of the population: smokers and no-smokers was calculated. The risk values obtained were compared with the corresponding literature data for the cities of the Russian Federation for the previous 20 years.

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Информационная поддержка научных исследований и разработок в области развития единой государственной системы предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций (РСЧС), гражданской обороны (ГО), безопасности жизнедеятельности, педагогики, информатики и управления.

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