Gavrishev A.A.; Osipov D.L., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent
North-Caucasus Federal University

This paper shows the development of the use of nonlinear dynamics methods for detecting radio signals with frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) used in communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Based on results from works [2; 3], modeling of the Hénon map, and its study using the Hurst exponent and BDS-statistics was carried out. It is proved that the Hénon map is an approximate model of radio signals with FHSS. The results obtained, as well as the results from the works [4; 5], are of great practical importance, since they prove that the use of nonlinear dynamics methods, with appropriate adaptation, as radio frequency methods, will allow, along with other approaches to UAV detection, in the future to create a sufficiently effective system for detecting and countering UAVs.

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