- The materials of articles submitted by the authors to the editorial board of the Journal must meet the following requirements:
- correspondence to the subject of the Journal;
- the text of the article should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Journal;
- the text of the article must be original (contain at least 80% of the unique text) that has not been published before (the editors of the Journal has the right to terminate cooperation with authors who submitted materials previously published and (or) posted on the Internet);
- the text of the article should not contain information classified as state secrets and official information of limited distribution, as well as other information not subject to publication in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
- The authors guarantee that the article they submit is an original work, and they have exclusive copyright in it.
- Responsibility of the authors:
- authors are responsible for the accuracy of the reproduction of names, quotes, formulas, numbers;
- authors are responsible for the completeness and truthfulness of the documents submitted for publication.
- Authors agree with the right of the editorial board:
- to edit the text of the article without changing the scientific content of the author’s text;
- to reject materials that are not compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Journal and do not comply with thematic sections and the nomenclature of scientific specialties of the Journal;
- to check materials for illegal borrowing using specialized information systems and discard materials containing less than 80% of unique text;
- to conduct an independent (internal) peer review;
- to post materials provided in the Journal on the website http://vestnik.sibpsa.ru/ in free access mode, as well as include materials in Russian and foreign libraries and databases (see: articles 1286 and 1238 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
- to include data on the authors in the Journal.
- For publication of a scientific article, the authors send the following materials to the Journal editors’ e-mail: vestnik@sibpsa.ru:
- manuscript in the “.docx” or “.rtf” format, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Journal;
- graphic (illustrative) materials used in the article in the form of separate files in the “.tif”, “.png” or “.jpg” format, with a resolution at least 300 dpi.
Authors can also attach a review from a specialist of the corresponding profile who has a degree and is not an employee of one of the organizations of the authors. The signature of the referee must be certified at the place of work of the referee.
The presence of a review does not abolish the procedure for sending materials for review to the editorial staff of a journal.