Improvement of the fire tanker in the interests of ensuring the activities of voluntary fire protection units

D.I. Sotnikov1; E.V. Kalach1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.V. Kalach2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Chemical Sciences, Full professor

1 The Voronezh Institute – the affiliate of Ivanovo fire and Rescue Academy of State Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia
2 Federal state-funded educational institution of the higher education “Voronezh state technical university” (VSTU)

The article is devoted to the issues of choosing the direction of improvement of fire vehicles used by units of voluntary fireguard. Emphasis is placed on modernizing the fire vehicles in service. A brief description of the units of the voluntary fireguard operating in the territory of the Voronezh region has been given.

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Improvement of fuel emergency drain system from aboveground gas station tanks

D.V. Sedov1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; R.G. Shubkin2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; S.V. Sharhun3, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences

1 Irkutsk National Research Technical University
2 East-Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia
3 Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The problem of operation of ineffective technical solutions for fire protection of gas stations against the background of an increment in the number of ones in connection with the intensive increase cars in cities. Technical solutions are proposed to improve the efficiency of the emergency fuel drain system from aboveground gas station tanks in a fire. The purpose of the work is to improve the system of the emergency drain of fuel from gas station tanks. Tasks: a) development of technical solutions that ensure the efficiency of the emergency drain system in case of fire in long-term operation and increase environmental safety; b) determination of the technical parameters of the system for providing the required time for emptying the tanks.

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Modification of polyaramide fibers with carbon nanostructures to increase thermal stability under conditions of hydrocarbon combustion

A.N. Ponomarev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; I.A. Zelenskaya2; V.A. Borisova2; V.I. Gumenyuk3,Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences

1RUDN University
2Saint-Petersburg University of state fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
3Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Investigations were made of the thermal stability of polyamide yarns modified with epoxy compositions. Single-walled carbon nanotubes «TUBALL Nanotubes» were deposited in epoxy compositions, astral and carbon. The analysis of the thermogravimetric characteristics of the samples is carried out (the temperature of the onset of thermal destruction and ignition of the substance, the thermal effect of the combustion reaction). Using atomic force microscopy, the structure of modifiers was studied. The results of the experiments confirm the possibility of using modified polyamide fibers due to their improved heat resistance indicators of firefighters protective clothing under conditions of hydrocarbon combustion.

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Combustion products motion modes in a smoke exhaust system vertical channel

A.A. Kuzmin, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent; N.N. Romanov, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.A. Permyakov, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Science
Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

We researched factors affecting the combustion products motion mode along vertically oriented channels of the smoke exhaust system. We proposed to neglect inertial forces, which involves studying the effects of three forces: gravity, aerodynamic drag, and overpressure. It is determined that the dependence of the gas flow pressure on the gas column height in a non-isothermal flow is nonlinear. It is shown that the flow of combustion products along a vertically oriented channel of the smoke exhaust system changes from laminar to the turbulent mode when a return flow appears. It occurs when the longitudinal velocity gradient is positive.

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Fire safety of warehouses of petroleum and petroleum products

G.S. Duplyakov1; A.S. Gorbunov2; M.V. Elfimova1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; D.A. Shupranov2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences

1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBI «Forensic expert organization Federal Fire Service № 93 «fire testing laboratory» оf Emergencies of Russia»

The article presents statistical data on the analysis of dangerous man-made phenomena at oil products supply facilities of the Russian Federation. The most frequently realized dangerous man-made phenomena and the most fire-hazardous objects in the structure of the oil product supply of the Russian Federation are determined. The definition, classification, functional structure, groups of objects related to the warehouses of oil and petroleum products are given. Results shown are theoretical some of the analysis of functional structures and systems of fire safety (hereinafter APB) warehouses of oil and petroleum products. The interrelation between features of the functioning of warehouses of oil and oil products and the reasons as a result of which there are fires and explosions is established. A number of actual problems in the SOPB of oil and oil products warehouses are revealed.

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Development of recommendations to optimize the production of fast-hardening foam in order to improve sustainability of building

E.A. Sushko1, Ph. D. of Engineering Sciences, associate Professor; I.A. Ivanova1, Ph. D. of Engineering Sciences; V.N. Dudukin1, A.S. Krutolapov2
1Voronezh state technical University;
2St. Petersburg University of the State Ministry of Emergencies of Russia

Justification and optimization of the formulation of hardening foam to improve the stability of buildings.The study of different compositions and methods for producing fast-hardening foam. The method and devices of its implementation for the production of mechanical-chemical foam fast-hardening foam of low and medium multiplicity are developed, the formulation for the production of fast-hardening foam for filling hollow structures of buildings and structures is justified. To reduce the combustibility of the foam, it is proposed to reduce the degree of dispersion of the combustible component or filling the foam with a stable non-combustible component.

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Numerical determination of the quantity of melting drops at a single-phase short circuit

Yu.S. Kozlova
FSAEIHE «South Ural State University (national research university)»

A single-phase short fault is one of the frequent types of overhead power lines unbalance. The resulting currents can cause fires. Break-sparks (melting drops) grad to heat source that have a high ignition ability and can become an ignition source. Existing assessment techniques do not allow taking in account various electrical network parameters on the fire hazardous parameters of molten metal droplets determining. At the same time, the dependences of the number and melting drops size on the short-circuit ampere, the short-circuit duration and etc. are necessary to understanding of the ensuring fire safety process in electric power lines. The mathematical model of the melting drops formation for wires of different cross sections based on the results of the experiment and using the experiment planning theory is obtained.

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Study of the dependence of the consequences of fires on the risk category of objects of protection

E.V. Bobrinev, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences

The problems of classification of objects of protection to risk categories are considered. It is shown that the direct application of the proposed criteria in the classification of the object to a certain category of risk may not reflect the real consequences of a fire. It is concluded that it is impossible to leave without supervision objects classified as low risk, which employ a larger number of the population, as they are not provided in due measure the safety of people. The potential risk of harm to health at these sites exceeds 10-6. A proposal was made to adjust the criteria for classifying objects of protection as risk.

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Assessment of risks of forest ground fires spreading and environmental consequences

A.Y. Andreev; Y.A. Andreev, Doctor of Science in Engineering Sciences Full, Senior Research Officer
Siberian Federal University

The types of forest fires, methods of assessment of forest fire risks and determining the stock of forest combustible materials in various forests types depending on the average age of the prevailing trees and methods for calculating the intensity of ground fires and carbon emissions were considered. Based on the data studied, the intensity of ground fires in different types of forests of different ages and carbon emissions under different weather conditions were calculated.

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Structural and structural-parametric model of support and decision-making for fire damage reduction

A.V. Kalach1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Chemical Sciences, Full professor; E.V. Kalach1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; A.M. Tararykin2
1Voronezh State Technical University;
2Ural Institute of the State Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The analysis and synthesis of information on fires and their consequences in the territory of the Russian Federation for the period 2014-2018 presented. Special attention paid to the peculiarities of distribution of the main indicators of the situation with fires in the territory of the Russian Federation depending on the type of fire objects.

Structural and structural-parametric models of potential opportunities for making management decisions in the state fire service built. The structural and parametric model of potential management decision-making capabilities in the fire service will allow to create adequate and up-to-date models of optimization of measure selection to ensure the specified level of fire safety of objects.

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