bezop_ch-s Английский

Digital multy – agent system for simulating natural fire fighting processes

Dorrer G.A.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Kobijzhakova S.V.2; Yarovoy S.V.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
1FGBOU department of the academician M.F. Reshetnev’s Siberian state university of science and technologies
2FSBOU VO Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

A system for modeling and supporting decision-making on the use of forces and means to eliminate wildfires, based on a digital model, implemented in the software “Taiga-Analyst”, is proposed. The system works on the basis of agent-based simulation and allows you to select forces and means to fight a fire, simulate its propagation and elimination with reference to a digital terrain map using a geographic information system. The possibilities and scope of the “Taiga-Analyst” system are described. A decision-making scheme for fighting natural fires is shown, and the use of the system in the process of training fire safety specialists is described.

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The problem of using big data in the interests of fulfilling the tasks facing the Emercom of Russia

Rybakov A.V. Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Ivanov E.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Dmitriev A.V.; Sidorov V.S.
Civil Defense Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article raises the problem of the need to apply “big data”in the practice of the EMERCOM of Russia. It is emphasized that it is necessary to form both database sources and unified tools that ensure the correct processing of statistical data through the use of Big Data methods. A brief description of the methods of Big Data and promising topics of research works in the framework of which these methods can be used are given.

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Procedure for assessment of oil pollution propagation by soil cover, taking into account its characteristics and possibility of pollution type establishment, for prediction of emergency situation development at oil and gas complex facilities

Elfimov N.V.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Rossia

The article presents a methodology for estimating the distribution of oil pollution on the soil cover taking into account its characteristics and the possibility of establishing the type of pollution using the drip-luminescent method. The application of this method makes it possible to quickly determine the presence and quantity of oil and petroleum products in the soil at the emergency site, which is one of the decisive factors for making decisions on the elimination of consequences. Also, to solve the issue of identifying contaminants introduced into the soil, it is proposed to use mathematical processing of the obtained volumetric spectra of luminescence. As a comparison criterion, it is proposed to use the calculation criterion (TA), which will allow calculating both when summing up the obtained values ​ ​ by registration and excitation.

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Study of the peculiarities of the influence of regional factors on the values of individual risks of emergencies and fires

Bobrinev E.V., Ph.D. of Biological Sciences; Kondrashov A.A., Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences; Udavtsova E.Yu., Ph. D., of Engineering Sciences; Mashtakov V.A.; Meretukova O.G.
Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Order of the Badge of Honor” Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia»

An assessment of the actual individual risk of emergencies and fires for the subjects of the Russian Federation for 2019 was carried out. The results obtained are compared with the permissible individual risk of emergencies for the subjects of the Russian Federation. The regions of the Russian Federation for which the assessment of the actual individual risk of emergency situations, taking into account fires in 2019, was less than the permissible level were identified (Kamchatka Krai, Sakhalin Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of North Ossetia (Alania) and the Chechen Republic). For two regions (Voronezh and Kursk regions), in 2019, the actual individual risk of emergencies, taking into account fires, exceeded the unacceptable level. For other subjects of the Russian Federation, it was less than the unacceptable level, but above the acceptable level.

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Improving the efficiency of passenger transport safety management by rolling stock in the metro

Kalach A.V.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Chemical Sciences, Full Professor; Ageev P.M.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Senior Research Officer; Sysoeva T.P.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Research Officer; Shimon N.S. 1,3, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
1Voronezh State Technical University
2Saint Petersburg state University of emergencies of Russia
3KUVO “Civil defense, population protection and fire safety of the Voronezh region”

The article deals with the issues of ensuring the safety of passenger transportation in the Russian subways. The article describes and analyzes the results of field experiments on large-scale models of metro rolling stock in the event of a fire in a tunnel. The process of fire propagation in the car interior and on the rolling stock investigated. The analysis and generalization of the results of field tests of the spread of fire hazards along the escape routes in the tunnel at the source of the fire in the driver’s cab and undercar equipment carried out. Based on the results of the study, the main conclusions on the spread of fire hazards formulated.

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VR technologies as a tool for practice-oriented education of children and adults on safety and emergency response

Mel’nik O.E.1, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences; Shimov D.R.1; Artemenko E.V.2
1FSBEE HE Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

In the article, VR technologies are considered as a tool for organizing practice-oriented teaching of children and adults to the basics of life safety and actions in emergency situations. An overview of foreign practice of using VR in safety pedagogy and in the implementation of the Digital Rescuer project in Russian schools is presented. The advantages of VR technologies in comparison with the traditional approach in organizing practical training of the population on safety measures are characterized. A conclusion is made about the prospects of using VR technologies in the practical preventive activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the educational process on the basics of life safety.

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Methodology for assessing the efficiency of the implementation of the state policy of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense

Belousov V.N., Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences; Pismensky N.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Ryzhov A.A.
FSBEE HE “Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia”

The article considers problematic issues related to the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense. The main problem, according to the authors, is the lack of scientifically grounded and normatively approved indicators that would characterize the effectiveness of the civil defense measures implemented by the subjects in the complex. As a way out of this situation, it is proposed to use a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense.

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Time series forecasting based on machine learning methods for ensuring natural and technosphere safety

Babenyshev S.V., Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Malyutin O.S.; Materov E.N., Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The main purpose of the article is to give a review of some capabilities of time series analysis and modeling using examples of predicting the number of fires and the level of river flooding using modern machine learning methods in the R programming language environment. The peculiarity of this simulation is the possibility of using several models at the same time, which allows to automatically select models with the lowest bias errors.

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Application of nonlinear dynamics methods for detecting radio signals with frequency-hopping spread spectrum used in communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles

Gavrishev A.A.; Osipov D.L., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent

The analysis of known approaches for radio frequency detection of communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the use of radio signals with frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is carried out. It is established that in most studies methods, based on energy indicators are mainly used to detect radio signals of this type. It is indicated [21-24] that energy indicators give underestimated indicators for detecting radio signals and, thus, complicate the task of detecting them. As an alternative solution to the problem of detecting radio signals, it is proposed to use well-known methods based on nonlinear dynamics, in particular, the Hurst exponent and BDS-statistics. It is shown that the means of radio-frequency detection of UAV control channels with FHSS, which will be based on the use of the Hurst exponent, will potentially not be able to detect them. It is shown that the means of radio-frequency detection of UAV control channels with FHSS, which will be based on the use of BDS-statistics, will potentially be able to detect them. The results obtained are of rather important practical significance, as they potentially allow, with appropriate adaptation, to perform more effective radio frequency detection of UAVs using radio signals with FHSS.

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Definition of dynamic radiation control parameters in water area

Sergeev I.Yu.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Valuev N.P.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Docent
1FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
2Civil Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia

Methods definition of dynamic radiation control parameters in surfaces of rivers and large water bodies is described. Methodsbased on application of highly sensitive dosimetric systems registering γ-radiation of water in the process of system movement along the water area. Methods allows detecting the exit of radionuclides from the zone of their location and runoff, to forecast and trace the paths of their movement in the surfaces of rivers, detecting radioactive source on the shore, in ports, ships in water area.

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