Influence of temperature on textile materials and possibilities of tissue identification by optical microscopy

Dolgushina L.V. Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Docent
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents the data of the morphological study of textile materials based on cotton, flax and polyester, subjected to heat treatment. The morphological analysis of samples of fabrics made of cotton, flax and polyester was carried out, the dependence of the change in the structure of the fabric on the magnitude of the temperature effect was revealed. It has been shown that fabrics made of natural materials lose their color when heated, after which they partially carbonize with increasing temperature, and after reaching a temperature of 300 °C and above they begin to burn. It was found that a polyester fabric does not change when heated to 250 °C, and then begins to fusion, changing its structure.

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Investigation of explosion parameters at low temperatures

Krekhov A.A.1, Klochkov S.V.1 Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Docent, Minkin A.N.1,2 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent, Chistova E.V.1, Pashkina T.M.2
1FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

In the given article, the dependences of gas-air mixture explosion power of on the initial parameters are analyzed. The usage of heat flow control sensor for determining the most dangerous concentration of gas-air mixture is at low temperatures is discussed. The heat flux’s magnitude changes at the initial moment of the explosion under different conditions are investigated.

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Use of estimates of direct material damage from fires to characterize the effectiveness of fire protection activities

Kharin V.V.; Bobrinev E.V. Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; Kondashov A.A. Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences; Udavtsova E.Yu. Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
Federal State-Financed Establishment «All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters» (FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia)

The dynamics of estimates of direct material damage from fires from 2012 to 2020 was studied in relative terms: to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, to the gross regional product of the federal districts, to the population. It is shown that from 2013 to 2015. there is an increase in the share of direct damage from fires relative to GDP, reaching a maximum for the period under study in 2015, then the indicator under consideration falls in 2016 and its gradual growth in the period until 2020. To assess the effectiveness of the fire brigade, a new indicator is proposed – the ratio the cost of the saved material assets to the amount of direct material damage and the value of the saved material assets. The dynamics of the proposed indicator in the Russian Federation for 2012-2020 has been studied. It is shown that the indicator under consideration provides an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the fire protection activities and can be used for risk management.

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Features of the organization of the labor protection management system in fire protection units

Kharin V.V.
Federal State-Financed Establishment «All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters» (FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia)

The analysis of scientific and methodological approaches to the construction of occupational health and safety management systems in organizations is given. The article describes the features of the organization of the labor protection management system in the fire departments, taking into account the territorial characteristics of the risks of damage to the health of firefighters. A dynamic model for assessing the state of the occupational health and safety management system in fire protection units is presented, taking into account the estimates of the permissible risk of injury to personnel. The calculation formulas for determining the change in the permissible risk of injury to personnel, depending on the level of fire danger of the objects of protection and the complexity of the fire, are given. A calculation scheme for evaluating the effectiveness of the occupational health and safety management system using the intervals of the Harrington function is proposed.

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Model the dynamics of fires of motor vehicles in closed parking lots

Poroshin A.A. Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences; Valsov K.S. Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences

To improve the effectiveness of firefighters, it is necessary to determine the criteria for assessing the complexity of fires and the necessary number of forces to eliminate them. The article considers possible approaches to the definition of the concept of “large fire” and offers a number of criteria for justification.

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Model the dynamics of fires of motor vehicles in closed parking lots

Motorigin Yu.D., Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Akimova A.B.
Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

There is a comparison between the data of fire modeling and physical modeling of a fire that occurred in a closed parking lot. The article describes the effectiveness of the empirical modeling method for the analysis of probable fires and the development of technical solutions for the design of new parking lots.

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Mathematical model for the formation of a field of gas concentrations in the environment of a mines fire

Agarkov A.V. postgraduate
The «Respirator» State Scientific Research Institute of Mine-rescue Work, Fire Safety and Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters

The results of mathematical modeling of the formation of the field of gas concentrations in the vicinity of the mine fire source are presented. A mathematical model is proposed for the unsteady transfer of any gas in mine workings during fires, which allows one to study all the regularities of filling isolated and semi-isolated volumes of any gas at a constant or variable rate of their formation in time. The promising directions of further scientific work in the field of non-stationary distribution of fire gases along the length and cross-section of mine workings in case of accidents are presented, which include a number of theoretical and experimental studies

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Application experience of certified handle fire-extinguishers for the lithium accumulators fire-extinguishing

Kuprin D.S.1; Polyakov A.S.2 Ph.D. of technical sciences, professor
2FSBEE HE Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia

Impetuous popularity and demand growth of the electric transport means all over the world leads to the high actuality of the fire and explosion safety provision for them. Results of the comparison fire tests of the handle fire-extinguishers regarding to lithium accumulators extinguishing with different fire-extinguishing substances (fire-extinguishing powder, special fire-extinguishing powder, fast-hardening silica foam) are introduced in this work.

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To the question of estimating the fire resistance of the bearing space constructions metal frame

Goldobina L.A. Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor, Kozlov D.Yu.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

Metal structures, as you know, have a number of advantages over other building materials used in load-bearing and enclosing structures, namely: low weight, unification of products, convenience and speed of erection of frames directly on the site and next to others. However, they also have disadvantages: low corrosion resistance and fire resistance of structures. At the design stage of load-bearing metal structures of buildings and structures, it is necessary not only to ensure their strength, stability and geometric invariability during the operation of the object under normal operating conditions, but to justify the preservation of these properties when the building is exposed to high temperatures during a fire by setting the building structures fire resistance limits corresponding to the fire resistance of the designed object. The known methods for assessing the fire resistance of steel structures and the standardized indicators of the fire resistance limits do not always give an unambiguous answer. In connection with these circumstances, the article proposes to consider the results of a comparative analysis of methods for assessing the fire resistance of a truss truss of a frame-bonded metal frame.

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A review of fire-extinguishing agent on suppressing lithium-ion batteries fire

Melnik A.A.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Eliseev Yu.N.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Mokryak A.V.1; Ivanov D.V.2
1Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The safety issue of lithium-ion batteries, such as fires and explosions, is a major concern for their large-scale applications. Given the ever-increasing energy density of the battery, the possibility of ignition of lithium-ion batteries increases significantly. Thanks to сombustion fast burning and easy re-ignition characteristics, efficient and fast fire extinguishing of lithium-ion batteries is crucial to minimize fire hazards. Unlike conventional fires, a lithium-ion battery fire shows complicated and complex characteristics, and requires an effective and suitable extinguishing agent specifically designed for lithium-ion batteries. A fire extinguishing agent, for extinguishing the fire of lithium-ion batteries, is necessary with a high heat capacity and low electrical conductivity.

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