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Rapid detection of contamination of the surfaces of objects by aggressive chemicals and uranium compounds

V.А. Pashinin1, Doctor of Technical Sciences; P.N. Kosyrev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; I.Y. Sergeev2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
1All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies;
2FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

Нazardous substances with the help of a modular type portable rapid-type chemical rapid laboratory (PCL MT). PCL MT is developed as part of three similar modules: a module for detecting aggressive chemicals, a module for detecting uranium compounds and a module with simulation formulations.

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On evaluation of consequences from emergency situations caused by accidents with explosion of petrol cartoons on roads

D.V. Sedov1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; R.G. Shubkin2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University;
2East-Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia

In the article, the authors consider the possibility of establishing damage from an emergency caused by a traffic accident with a fuel truck using the theory of risks.

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Biotesting in assessing environmental risks on fires

Yu.N. Koval, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences
FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

Many extinguishing agents are synthetic in origin, and when bound to combustion products when extinguishing fires can have a negative impact on the environment [1]. In order to study the qualitative effects on living organisms, the toxic effects of frothers on test objects were evaluated. As an object, the use of small duckweed is suggested It has been established that the development and growth of seedlings of test plants directly depend on the degree of toxicity of water. At this stage, the results of the experiment without special expensive equipment.

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The position and width of the working layer of the chemical adsorbent of carbon dioxide in isolating respirators and self-rescuers with the jump of the diameter of the oxygen-containing granules of the product

S.G. Ekhilewskiy, doctor of technical Sciences, associate Professor
Polotsk state University, Republic of Belarus

Expressions for the asymptotics of the mathematical expectation and standard deviation of the coordinate of the elementary act of chemisorption of carbon dioxide in the regenerative cartridge of the insulating breathing apparatus with a circular circuit of the airway in the presence of a jump in the diameter of the granules of the oxygen-containing product are obtained. Increasing the diameter of the granules at the beginning of the regenerative cartridge prevents them from sintering under the action of exothermic heat. A decrease in the diameter of the granules at the end of the cartridge – increases the rate of chemisorption and reduces the dead layer of sorbent. Both increase the efficiency of the protective resource of the device. It is shown that in cartridges with two or more kilograms of oxygen-containing product, even in the presence of a jump in the diameter of the granules, the normal distribution of the carbon dioxide slip has time to form. This allowed us to write a simple equation to determine the increased duration of the protective action of such devices.

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Selection of parameters for dynamic radiation monitoring of territories

I.Y. Sergeev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article provides the calculated ratios to determine the main parameters of the dynamic radiation monitoring of territories. The obtained ratios take into account the actual control conditions: the power of the radioactive source to be detected, the geometric parameters of the control zone, the control speed, the background radiation level, and the duration of the averaging interval of the detector signal. The conditions for achieving the maximum values of the width of the control zone and performance are determined. Recommendations for choosing a rational speed of control are given.

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Comparison of wild fires monitoring results in Krasnoyarsk region with systems ISDM – Rosleshoz and CASCADE

S. V. Kobyzhakova
Siberian regional center EMERCOM of Russia, graduate student FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

A comparative analysis of emergency situations with the space monitoring systems ISDM Rosleshoz and CASCADE is suggested. An overall principle of operation systems is described. It shows the information transmission from the satellite to the end user. A different approach to the issues, based on a variety of the systems purposes is described.

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Conception of managing system for wid fire struggle

Dorrer Georgy,1 Doctor of Sciences, Full Professor; Buslov Igor2; Yarovoy Sergey2
1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia,
2Siberian State Technological University

A conception of managing system for wild fire liquidation is proposed. This conception permits on the upper level to determinate global managing strategy on basis of simple fire dynamics model with using the Kalman – Letov optimal control theory. On the next levels this strategy is précised and realized with help the localization control procedure on a forest territory map.

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About the problems of the use of blimps for monitoring, emergency response, fire fighting

M. I. Antipin, candidate of technical Sciences; L. G. Maliszewski
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The preamble of the article summarizes the shortcomings of existing aircraft used for monitoring, delivery of forces and means of emergency response, fire. The main material of the article is devoted to alternative types of aircraft with a number of advantages and disadvantages – airships and their further evolutionary development – helicopters, which can be both manned and remotely controlled in connection with the development of unmanned aircraft systems.

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Ways to control the radiation situation for systems of integrated security of territories

I.Y. Sergeev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing methods of monitoring the radiation situation and proposals for their improvement for introduction into the integrated security system of the territories.

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Concept of formation of safety passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies

Babintsev I. V.; Nekrasov I. V.; Nicheporchuk V. V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
Institute of Computational Modelling, SB RAS

This paper presents the convenience of developing passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies for data consolidation, analysis and visualization. Existing approaches are analyzed. Modernization acting methodological recommendations on keeping passports is necessity. Algorithms for the formation, actualization and use of passports on the basis of information resources intersystem and interdepartmental integration are proposed.

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