Assessment of influence of products of burning on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when performing actions for suppression of the fires

  • Post category:№ 10

Melnik A.A., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Antonov A.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Martinovich N.V.; Tatarkin I.N.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

Article is devoted to a problem of ensuring personal security of staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when conducting actions for suppression of the fires and the related wrecking. Threats of influence of toxicants of the environment of the fire on health and efficiency of the person are considered. Risks of influence of monoxide of carbon on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions when performing actions for suppression of the fires are considered. The relevance of development of actions for decrease in toxic impact on staff of rescue and firefighting divisions at suppression of the fires without use of individual protection equipment of respiratory organs is proved.

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