Assessing the impact on employees of fire-rescue units FMS MOE Russia exogenous toxicants arising in the course of daily duty

  • Post category:№ 1

N.V. Martinovich, I.N. Tatarkin
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

Article is devoted to the actual problem focused on a complex of questions on safety and efficiency of office activity of staff of operational rescue and fire fighting divisions of Emercom of Russia connected with potentially possible influence of toxin of the environment of the fire on a human body and carbon oxide in particular. The possibility of the influence of carbon monoxide on the personnel of the fire-rescue units when performing actions on suppression of fires. The urgency of development of measures to reduce the toxic effects on the personnel of the fire-rescue units for fire extinguishing without the use of means of individual protection of respiratory organs.

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