Development of recommendations to optimize the production of fast-hardening foam in order to improve sustainability of building

E.A. Sushko1, Ph. D. of Engineering Sciences, associate Professor; I.A. Ivanova1, Ph. D. of Engineering Sciences; V.N. Dudukin1, A.S. Krutolapov2
1Voronezh state technical University;
2St. Petersburg University of the State Ministry of Emergencies of Russia

Justification and optimization of the formulation of hardening foam to improve the stability of buildings.The study of different compositions and methods for producing fast-hardening foam. The method and devices of its implementation for the production of mechanical-chemical foam fast-hardening foam of low and medium multiplicity are developed, the formulation for the production of fast-hardening foam for filling hollow structures of buildings and structures is justified. To reduce the combustibility of the foam, it is proposed to reduce the degree of dispersion of the combustible component or filling the foam with a stable non-combustible component.

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