V.V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences


The results of studies of social risks in the field of fire safety are presented. The risk of death in fires depending on the demographic characteristics of the population (age, sex) for urban and rural areas, taking into account the conditions that contributed to the death of people in fires in the subjects of the Russian Federation for the period from 2012 to 2018, was studied. In order to identify the structural relationships between the risk of death in fires for different population groups, taking into account the characteristics of individual subjects of the Russian Federation and the allocation of a small number of latent factors, the change of which explains the change in the observed indicators, a factor analysis was carried out using 48 sociological indicators for 85 subjects of the Russian Federation. Factor analysis revealed eight significant factors that explain 75.3% of the total variance of the statistical data set. The qualitative interpretation of each of the factors on the greatest contribution of components is given. Projections of factors in two-and three-dimensional spaces are studied. In the coordinate systems of the factors obtained, the places of each subject of the Russian Federation are determined. It is concluded that the factor analysis of the statistical array of sociological data gives an objective assessment of the levels of fire risk in the subjects of the Russian Federation and can be used for risk management.

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Информационная поддержка научных исследований и разработок в области развития единой государственной системы предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций (РСЧС), гражданской обороны (ГО), безопасности жизнедеятельности, педагогики, информатики и управления.

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