Issues of substantiating the resource needs of territorial fire departments

  • Post category:№ 17

V. V. Kharin; E.V. Bobrinev, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.Yu. Udavtsova, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; A.A. Kondashov, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences
The Badge of Honorur Federal State Budgetary Establishment All-Russia Research Institute for Fire Protection

The mechanism of forming the resource needs of territorial fire departments is described. Various ways of assessing the level of fire danger of territories are analyzed. The factors influencing the state of resources of territorial fire protection units are studied. The analysis of the existing legal framework for the organization of fire fighting and emergency rescue operations. An approach is proposed in which for the optimal state of fire protection resources in order to neutralize the factors that generate fire danger, the number of main fire vehicles is dependent on the level of fire danger in the area of departure of the fire protection unit.

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