Approbation of computer modeling methods in the analysis of firefighting actions

  • Post category:Number 18

Malyutin O.S.; Vasilev S.A., Ph.D.; CHuldum CH.V., CHabanov K.D., Rogov V.V.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents the main results of experiments on computer simulation of fighting to extinguish a real fire and subsequent analysis of the model. The article describes the problems of using computer modeling systems in the fire protection of the Russian Federation. The article provides basic information about the use of the automated information and graphics system Graphis-Tactic for computer simulation of combat operations to extinguish fires. Describes the progress of the work and the main results obtained. A number of new tools are described for drawing up schemes for the distribution of forces and means of fire protection and studying fires. In conclusion, there are suggestions for further research into the prospects of using computer modeling in the study of fires.

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