Application of the method for evaluating the heat resistance of intumescent flame retardants for hydrocarbon combustion conditions on the example of compositions modified with silicon-containing components

Golovina E.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Bezzaponnaya O.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Kontobojceva M. G., Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent; Akulov A. Yu., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent
FSBEE HE Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents a study of the heat resistance of intumescent flame retardants for hydrocarbon combustion conditions by synchronous thermal analysis. The results of the study are shown for a composition based on a silicone binder and compositions modified with silicon-containing components – wollastonite and aluminosilicate microspheres. Further, the data were compared with the indicators obtained during fire tests to determine the fire-retardant effectiveness in the installation for testing the fire-retardant effectiveness of fire protection equipment. The study showed that the fire-resistant compositions that showed the best result in tests for fire-resistant effectiveness also have a higher degree of heat resistance, which indicates the possibility of using the proposed method as a means of evaluating the “ productivity” of fire-resistant materials of the intumescent type.

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