Use of estimates of direct material damage from fires to characterize the effectiveness of fire protection activities

Kharin V.V.; Bobrinev E.V. Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; Kondashov A.A. Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences; Udavtsova E.Yu. Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
Federal State-Financed Establishment «All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters» (FGBU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia)

The dynamics of estimates of direct material damage from fires from 2012 to 2020 was studied in relative terms: to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, to the gross regional product of the federal districts, to the population. It is shown that from 2013 to 2015. there is an increase in the share of direct damage from fires relative to GDP, reaching a maximum for the period under study in 2015, then the indicator under consideration falls in 2016 and its gradual growth in the period until 2020. To assess the effectiveness of the fire brigade, a new indicator is proposed – the ratio the cost of the saved material assets to the amount of direct material damage and the value of the saved material assets. The dynamics of the proposed indicator in the Russian Federation for 2012-2020 has been studied. It is shown that the indicator under consideration provides an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the fire protection activities and can be used for risk management.

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