Investigation of soot deposits by IR spectroscopy to detect the residual content of toxic products released during a fire

Serzhinmaa A.A.1, Shirinkin P.V.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent, Korovchenko A.V.2, Ahmetshin I.F.2
1 Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
2Forensic expert organization Federal Fire Service № 93 «fire testing laboratory» оf Emergencies of Russia

The article presents statistical data on the main indicators of the fire situation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Analyzed toxic products of combustion in a fire and the materials from which they are released, as well as their negative impact on the human body. The results of the study of soot deposits during the burnout of interior decoration and easily changeable furnishings (furniture, decoration materials) by the method of FTIR spectroscopy.

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