The use of remote sensing materials for information support of rescue operations in wetlands

Igor M. Lamkov1, Evgeniy A. Pahomov1, Larisa A. Golovina2
1Siberian State University of Water Transport, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia

Conducting emergency rescue and other urgent work in the event of a crash of aircraft in wetlands is accompanied by special difficulties for rescuers. Some swamps are impassable even for all-terrain vehicles, and rescue swimming facilities cannot be used due to dense vegetation. In conditions of a heavily swampy area, it is impossible to land an airplane or helicopter, and additional floating facilities and materials are required to deploy a temporary field camp. When conducting reconnaissance of the crash site of an aircraft, a method is proposed for determining the patency of a wetland area using remote sensing data. The proposed textural characteristics of landscape components obtained from remote sensing materials will provide emergency rescue formations with more accurate data on the wetland area.

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