Proactive management model of production on affairs about administrative offenses generated fire and industrial hazard

Aleksey Y. Mironov1, Anna Y. Mironova2, Vyacheslav G. Burlov2
1Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russia; 2Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia

For the purpose of early detection and prevention of the growing number of fires, environmental and man-made accidents, a geoinformation system synthesis of proactive management of the production complex on affairs about administrative offenses that give rise to fire and industrial danger is considered. According to Anokhin-Sudakov’s theory of functional systems, by a natural-science approach to the management synthesis in conditions of limited resources created a mathematical model for making managerial decisions, adequately formalized at each stage of the administrative process. An analytical dependence is determined that integrates the patterns of geoinformation, supervisory and geolocation components of the management system for the stage of administrative practice. Through the modeling of the Markov chain of the administrative process by the Kolmogorov-Chapman’s equations system, a criterion for the existence of preventive management is proposed, allowing the proper efficiency of the administrative production cycle to optimize the intensity of identifying and neutralizing threats within a reasonable time.

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