Model of aerodynamic control of radioactive contamination of territories

Ivan Y. Sergeev1, Nikolai P. Valuev2, Sergey A. Guzenkov2
1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk, Russia; 2Civil Dеfеnсе Acаdеmу EMЕRCOM of Russia, Moscow, Russia

A mathematical model of aerodynamic monitoring of radioactive contamination of the territory is described. The regression equation of the model contains the components of the altitude dependence of the dose rate of radioactive contamination of the territory and the level of the cosmic background. The model makes it possible to determine not only the total radiation dose rate at the height of the aircraft, which indirectly depends on the level of radioactive contamination, but to carry out remote measurement of the dose rate directly on the surface of the territory.

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