Trends in changes in the risks of natural hazards in the Russian Arctic, on the example of the forest zone of Eastern Siberia

Аleksandr V. Kholoptsev1,2,
Roman G. Shubkin2,
Ivan U. Sergeev1,
Aleksey N. Baturo1,
Aleksandr V. Antonov1

1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk, Russia,
2State Oceanographic Institute named after N.N. Zubov, Sevastopol, Russia

The current trends of changes in average monthly air temperatures in the Arctic and Forest land-scape zone of Eastern Siberia, as well as the relationships of these processes with variations in the total area of wormwood, which are formed in the summer months in the ice cover of the seas of Laptev and East Siberia. It is shown that in many territories of the Arctic zone of Eastern Siberia, significant changes in average monthly temperatures of summer months in 2010-2020. As a result, the risks of many natural hazards could not be increased. Therefore, the probable cause of their ac-tual increase is anthropogenic.

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