Features to the future profession attitudes formation in gender-homogeneous and co-educational groups of cadets

Yuri G. Baskin1,
Galina B. Svidzinskaya2

1,2Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia,

The semantic differential method was employed to analyze attitudes to the future profession on gender-homogeneous and co-educational cadet groups studying in the specialty “Forensic examination” of St. Petersburg University of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia during the total training period. The time history of that attitude to the chosen profession during the learning period was revealed. It is shown that the attitude to the future profession depends on the cadet gender and in the initial period is largely determined by the gender structure of the group; the formation of co-educational groups in the universities of enforcement structure allows to create a comfortable educational environment, which is especially important during the period of adaptation to new conditions when forming motivation to master a profession.

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