Requirements for the design of scientific articles

  1. The text of the article must be typed in the Microsoft Word editor and saved with the extension .docx or .rtf. Page format – A4 (portrait), margins – 2 cm on all sides, indentation – 1.25 cm, alignment – width, font – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – one and a half, page numbering in the bottom middle. Compression of intervals and use of subscript references is forbidden.
  2. The article should be of 8 to 15 typewritten pages including pictures and captions to them, and a list of references. The decision about publishing materials of another size is accepted by agreement with the editorial board of the Journal.
  3. The text of the manuscript of the article must have the following structure (see. Example):
    • UDC – universal decimal classification index (should correspond to the declared topic);
    • the Journal section;
    • cipher of the specialty passport in accordance with the nomenclature of scientific specialties on the subject of the Journal and the items to which the topic of the article corresponds;
    • initials and surname of the author / authors indicating the academic degree and academic rank (if any) in Russian;
    • the place of work of the author/ authors in Russian (if several organizations are indicated for one or several authors, the number (superscript) is placed after the name of the author and the same number is placed before the organization name;
    • initials and surname of the author / authors indicating the academic degree and academic rank (if any) in English;
    • the place of work of the author/ authors in English (if several organizations are indicated for one or several authors, the number (superscript) is placed after the name of the author and the same number is placed before the organization name;
    • title of the article in Russian;
    • abstract of the article in Russian (500-1000 typed characters with spaces) under the heading “Abstract”. The abstract is a brief summary of the main content of the article which characterize its purpose, type, form and other features. The abstract should provide the reader with the opportunity to understand the main content of the scientific article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to its full text; keywords in Russian (about 5-7 words: basic general scientific terms or terms according to the research profile, ordered from the most general to specific ones corresponding to the the research). They are written under the heading “Keywords”;
    • title of the article in English;
    • an abstract in English under the heading “Abstract” (a variance between the Russian-language and English-language abstracts is not allowed);
    • keywords in English under the heading “Key words”;
    • the text of the article (main part);
    • a reference list in Russian under the heading “References”;
    • contact information of the author with whom the editorial board of the Journal should correspond (e-mail, phone).
  4. Requirements for illustrations:
    • each drawing should be presented as a single separate unit for ease of transfer in the text (it is forbidden to insert diagrams, drawings, etc. made using Microsoft Word shapes in the text). It also should be presented as a separate file made in any of the generally accepted graphic editors;
    • the title of a drawing should be written under it in such way: Figure 2. and then subsequent explanations in italics;
    • if there are several tables (more than one) in the text, they should be numbered (first it is written: Table 2, the table title is written in bold on the same line, and then the table itself follows);
    • if there is one table or one drawing in the text, they should not be numbered;
    • tables should have a “vertical” construction;
    • links to tables and drawings are made as follows: Fig. 2, Table 4. If there is only one drawing or one table, then the whole word is written: table, figure (the usage of links to graphic and tabular materials is necessary).
  5. Requirements for formulas in the text:
    • • all formulas must be created using the Microsoft Equation component, Times New Roman size 14 pt. The insert of formulas in the form of drawings is not allowed;
    • • in formulas it is recommended to use letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets (in italics);
    • • formulas are printed in the center, the number is in the right margin of the page (only the formulas mentioned in the text should be numbered).
  6. Requirements for the list of references:
    • the list of references is a bibliographic list with a single numbering of the sources used, is given in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5.-2008 «National standard of the Russian Federation. The System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and compilation rules».
    • the list of references should contain bibliographic information about all publications mentioned in the article. It shouldn’t contain sources that are not referenced in the text or not corresponded to the stated topic.
    • the sources in the list are in the order of their first mention in the text. Numbering of the sources – throughout the list. Translating Russian-language sources into other languages and break down the list into source categories is not allowed. In the text of the article the bibliographic references are given in Arabic numerals in square brackets: [1].If the text refers to several sources at once, then use [1; 2]. In case of direct quotation (in quotation marks), page numbers of the source must be indicated, for example [1, p.3]. All the data given in the text should have links to the source. Subscript references are not allowed.

Article template in .docx format / in .docx (comment)


Информационная поддержка научных исследований и разработок в области развития единой государственной системы предупреждения и ликвидации чрезвычайных ситуаций (РСЧС), гражданской обороны (ГО), безопасности жизнедеятельности, педагогики, информатики и управления.

ФГБОУ ВО Сибирская пожарно-спасательная академия ГПС МЧС России, 2016-2025 | Все права защищены