• Periodicity of the “Siberian Fire and Rescue Bulletin” issues is 4 times a year.
  • Manuscripts are accepted from the authors during the year without any restrictions; however, no more than two articles of one author can be published in one issue of the journal.
  • Scientific articles are published in order of priority after receiving a referee’s positive conclusion about the possibility of publication (in some cases, by decision of the Chief Editor, articles can be published out of turn in the next issue of the journal).
  • To eliminate the comments and suggestions of the referee, the authors are given 2 months from the moment they are sent by the editorial board of the journal to the author indicated for correspondence.
  • Manuscripts not recommended by the referee for publication and rejected by the decision of the editorial board of the Journal can be re-examined and considered as a new article only if it has been substantially revised by the author.