The scientific and analytical journal “Siberian Fire and Rescue Bulletin” is a quarterly peer reviewed journal, published since 2016. It is an online fully open access journal.
The Journal publishes original research manuscripts focusing on the developing of the unified state system for emergency prevention and response (RSChS), civil defense (CS), life safety, pedagogical science, computer science and management.
The journal reviews and accepts articles on the specific topics:
- 2.1.15. – Safety of construction sites (technical sciences) (from 12/14/2022);
- 2.3.4. – Management in organizational systems (technical sciences) (from 14.12.2022);
- 2.10.1. – Fire safety (technical sciences) (from 11.12.2023);
- Personnel training, propaganda and education of the population in the field of life safety
- Fire and industrial safety. Safety in emergency situations
Scientific and analytical journal “Siberian Fire and Rescue Bulletin”:
- registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor): registration No. FS77-65282 dated April 12, 2016;
- By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 12, 2019 No. 21-r, the journal “Siberian Fire and Rescue Bulletin” is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree should be published Doctor of Sciencedegrees. Scientific specialties and corresponding branches of science for which the publication is included in the List:
- has an “International standard series number” (ISSN): 2500-4026 (online);
- posted in the Scientific Electronic Library
- included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.
There is no fee for reviewing and publishing articles.
The magazine was founded in 2016.
- Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy" of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief"
- Founder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy" of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief." Address: 662972, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zheleznogorsk, Severnaya St., 1.
- Editor-in-Chief: Baturo Alexey Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
- Editorial address: 662972, Krasnoyarsk region, Zheleznogorsk, st. Severnaya, 1.
- Editorial telephone number: (3919) 73-54-05.
- Editorial email address: