Definition of dynamic radiation control parameters in water area
Sergeev I.Yu.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Valuev N.P.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Docent1FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia2Civil Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia Methods definition of dynamic radiation control parameters in surfaces of rivers and large water bodies is described. Methodsbased on application […]
Application of nonlinear dynamics methods for detecting radio signals with frequency-hopping spread spectrum used in communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles
Gavrishev A.A.; Osipov D.L., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, DocentFSAEI HPE NCFU The analysis of known approaches for radio frequency detection of communication channels of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the use of radio signals with frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is carried out. It is established that in most studies methods, based on energy indicators […]
Time series forecasting based on machine learning methods for ensuring natural and technosphere safety
Babenyshev S.V., Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Malyutin O.S.; Materov E.N., Ph.D. of Physical and Mathematical SciencesFSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The main purpose of the article is to give a review of some capabilities of time series analysis and modeling using examples of predicting the number of fires and […]
Methodology for assessing the efficiency of the implementation of the state policy of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense
Belousov V.N., Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences; Pismensky N.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Ryzhov A.A.FSBEE HE “Academy of Civil Protection EMERCOM of Russia” The article considers problematic issues related to the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of civil […]
VR technologies as a tool for practice-oriented education of children and adults on safety and emergency response
Mel’nik O.E.1, Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences; Shimov D.R.1; Artemenko E.V.21FSBEE HE Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia In the article, VR technologies are considered as a tool for organizing practice-oriented teaching of children and adults to the basics of life safety and […]
The appearance of automated information systems for personalized notification of aircraft passengers in emergency situations of high-altitude flight
Kukushkin Yu.A.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Markov N.A.2; Bogomolov A.V.1,3, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; Dvornikov M.V.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Medical Science, Full Professor; Shishov A.A.3, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor […]
Expanding the application of bionic morse code for covert hydroacoustic communication systems
Gavrishev A.A. North-Caucasus Federal University Covert hydroacoustic communication systems based on biosimilar signals are considered on the example of a covert hydroacoustic communication system from [13; 14], which is based on the bionic Morse code. It is shown that in the well-known works [13; 14] does not present bionic Morse code for Russian letters, numerical […]
Analysis of the problem situation in case of using information flood forecasting sistems by units of EMERCOM of Russia
Tkachenko P.N., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Vakorin M.V.The Civil Defence Academy of EMERCOM of Russia The existing methods of choosing flood control measures are considered. A description of the most promising approaches is given and some disadvantages are highlighted that impede the solution of the problem of choosing a rational composition of flood control measures. […]
Analysis of the consequences of forest fires in the Irkutsk region and the efficiency of measures to protect settlements
Izmailova V.N.1; Shubkin R.G.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Karelin E.N.2; Nikulin M.A.31Irkutsk National Research Technical University2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia3FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural SAU The paper analyzes the consequences of forest fires in the Irkutsk region. The main purpose of the article is to consider the problem of transitions of […]
Analysis of the problem situation of monitoring the radiation situation in closed administrative-territorial entities with nuclear industry facilities
Mazanik A.I.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Military Sciences, Full Professor; Valuev N.P.1, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Docent; Sergeev I.Y.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Nikolaev G.A.21Civil Defense Academy EMERCOM of Russia2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article analyzes the […]
Application of KS-entropy for quantitative analysis of civil defense communication systems
Gavrishev A.A.North-Caucasus Federal University An experimental analysis of civil defense communication systems using the lower bound of KS-entropy, which is considered as an analog of the structural stealth of transmitted signals, is performed. Among the analyzed models of communication systems, models of communication systems based on chaotic signals have the highest lower bound of KS-entropy […]
Methodology for dynamic monitoring of the radiation situation in water areas using water transport
Sergeev I.Y., Ph.D. of Engineering SciencesFSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to a proposal for the organization of dynamic monitoring of the radiation situation in water areas using water transport and a highly sensitive dosimetric control system. Открыть » // Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи Ссылка для цитирования статьиЗакрыть […]
On the issue of providing imitation protection in systems based on the use of emergency beacons
A.A. GavrishevFSAEI HPE NCFU Systems based on the use of emergency beacons are considered. It is noted that one of their main disadvantages is the availability of transmitted information to an outside observer. It is established that noise-like signals are used in known systems to eliminate this disadvantage. However, most of the well-known works do […]
On the problem of sustainable functioning of urban territories in emergency situations
E.V. Ivanov, Ph.D. of Engineering SciencesCivil Defense Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article analyzes the problem of ensuring the sustainable functioning of urban areas under the influence of damaging factors of emergency situations. The author substantiates the need to develop and justify a comprehensive indicator that characterizes the level of city resilience to emergencies. An […]
Ensuring the safety of processing of metallurgical rasourcew materials and waste containing radioactive source
I.Y. Sergeev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; N.P. Valuev2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences; O.V. Lysova21FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia2FSBМEI HE Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia The article is devoted to the substantiation of the conditions for achieving the […]
Parametric method for determining an integrated indicator of protection from anthropogenic emergency in ZATO territory
A.A.Nazarov1; A.V.Rybakov2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; N.V. Martinovich11FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia2FSBMEE HE Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to a general description of the method for determining a comprehensive indicator of the protection of the territory […]
Development of the classification scale of forest fires
S.G. Aksenov, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Economic Sciences, Full Professor; E.S. Nasyrova, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; M.A. Leonteva; A.V. FazylovaUfa State Aviation Technical University In the work forest fires and their classifications are analyzed. Researchers in their works offer various classifications for ground, crown and underground fires. All fires, regardless […]
Multichannel technique for processing signals from detectors of detection systems for radioactive sources in moving vehicles
I.Y. Sergeev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; N.P. Valuev2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences; P.M. Yudanov2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences1FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia2FSBМEI HE Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia A multichannel technique for detecting detector signals with different […]
About program core of fi refi ghting actions dynamic modeling system
O.S. MalyutinFSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia In this paper described software for firefighting actions dynamic modeling system development. A brief description of the existing fire examination system and its development trends with the introduction of modern computer technologies is given. Definitions of object-information model and modeling of firefighting actions are […]
Mathematical modeling of dosimetric control systems
I.Y. Sergeev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; S.A. Garelina2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; K.P. Latyshenko2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Engineering Sciences; N.P. Valuev2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate in Engineering Sciences1FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia,2FSBМEI HE Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia The article […]
Studying the influence of properties of dispersed soil systems on fire hazard in emergency spills of oil products
F.A. Dementiev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; M.M. Sultygov; V.A. Lovchikov, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Chemical Sciences, Full Professor Saint-Petersburg University of state fire service of EMERCOM of Russia In work various options of development of fire-dangerous situations at oil spills depending on properties of soil systems are considered. Results […]
Analysis of the problem situation in case of using information flood forecasting sistems by units of EMERCOM of Russia
P.N. Tkachenko, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; M.V. Vakorin Civil Defence Academy The article shows a group satellite and the percentage shows the volume of archival data used by SCM emergency. A contradiction is deduced in the practical field of using information systems for flood forecasting in the management of EMERCOM of Russia and ways to […]
New environmental problems drinking water quality
L. Yu. Kryukova, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Senior Research Officer; N. G. Zaloznaya Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article deals with new environmental problems caused by the probable increase in the number of ultrafine suspensions of heavy metals, alloys and their oxides in freshwater. Based on the analysis of the literature data, the […]
«Taiga-Analyst» as a tool in the fight against forest fires
P.V. Shirinkin1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; S.V. Kobijzakova1; S.V. Yarovoy2 1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia 1FSBEE HE Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology The algorithm of decision-making in the fight against forest fires is described, and the possibility of its optimization is presented. The necessity of using the […]
About the development of the monitoring model for the state of the parameters of the complex security system of the closed administrative-territorial education
A.V. Rybakov1,Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor; A.A.Nazarov2; N.V. Martinovich2; A.A. Melnik2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent 1FSBMEE HE Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia 1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article proposes a possible approach of monitoring the parameters of the integrated […]
Biotesting in assessing environmental risks on fires
Yu.N. Koval, Ph.D. of Biological Sciences FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia Many extinguishing agents are synthetic in origin, and when bound to combustion products when extinguishing fires can have a negative impact on the environment [1]. In order to study the qualitative effects on living organisms, the toxic effects of […]
On evaluation of consequences from emergency situations caused by accidents with explosion of petrol cartoons on roads
D.V. Sedov1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; R.G. Shubkin2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences 1Irkutsk National Research Technical University; 2East-Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia In the article, the authors consider the possibility of establishing damage from an emergency caused by a traffic accident with a fuel truck using the theory of risks. Open » // Citation link […]
Rapid detection of contamination of the surfaces of objects by aggressive chemicals and uranium compounds
V.А. Pashinin1, Doctor of Technical Sciences; P.N. Kosyrev1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; I.Y. Sergeev2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences 1All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies; 2FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia Нazardous substances with the help of a modular type portable rapid-type chemical rapid laboratory (PCL MT). PCL MT is […]
Selection of parameters for dynamic radiation monitoring of territories
I.Y. Sergeev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEI HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article provides the calculated ratios to determine the main parameters of the dynamic radiation monitoring of territories. The obtained ratios take into account the actual control conditions: the power of the radioactive source to be detected, the geometric […]
The position and width of the working layer of the chemical adsorbent of carbon dioxide in isolating respirators and self-rescuers with the jump of the diameter of the oxygen-containing granules of the product
S.G. Ekhilewskiy, doctor of technical Sciences, associate Professor Polotsk state University, Republic of Belarus Expressions for the asymptotics of the mathematical expectation and standard deviation of the coordinate of the elementary act of chemisorption of carbon dioxide in the regenerative cartridge of the insulating breathing apparatus with a circular circuit of the airway in the […]
Ways to control the radiation situation for systems of integrated security of territories
I.Y. Sergeev, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing methods of monitoring the radiation situation and proposals for their improvement for introduction into the integrated security system of the territories. Open » // Link for a citation Ссылка для цитирования […]
About the problems of the use of blimps for monitoring, emergency response, fire fighting
M. I. Antipin, candidate of technical Sciences; L. G. Maliszewski FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The preamble of the article summarizes the shortcomings of existing aircraft used for monitoring, delivery of forces and means of emergency response, fire. The main material of the article is devoted to alternative types of […]
Increase of efficiency of radiation monitoring of closed administrative territorial formation with objects of nuclear industry and adjacent territories
Sergeev I.Y., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The article is devoted to the rational choice of radiation monitoring systems necessary to increase the efficiency of monitoring and radiation monitoring. As well as tasks and possible research directions. More » // Citation link for this article Ссылка для цитирования […]
Control and prediction of floods on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk kray through the use of neural network algorithms
Grebnev Y.V.1,Yarovoy A.V.2,3 1FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University, Institute of space and information technology 2Chief Directorate of the Emercom of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory 3FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia The paper presents preliminary results of the investigation of the possibility of using neural network algorithms for forecasting natural emergency […]
Concept of formation of safety passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies
Babintsev I. V.; Nekrasov I. V.; Nicheporchuk V. V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences Institute of Computational Modelling, SB RAS This paper presents the convenience of developing passports of territories with the use of modern information technologies for data consolidation, analysis and visualization. Existing approaches are analyzed. Modernization acting methodological recommendations on keeping passports is necessity. […]
Conception of managing system for wid fire struggle
Dorrer Georgy,1 Doctor of Sciences, Full Professor; Buslov Igor2; Yarovoy Sergey2 1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia, 2Siberian State Technological University A conception of managing system for wild fire liquidation is proposed. This conception permits on the upper level to determinate global managing strategy on basis of simple fire dynamics model […]
Comparison of wild fires monitoring results in Krasnoyarsk region with systems ISDM – Rosleshoz and CASCADE
S. V. Kobyzhakova Siberian regional center EMERCOM of Russia, graduate student FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia A comparative analysis of emergency situations with the space monitoring systems ISDM Rosleshoz and CASCADE is suggested. An overall principle of operation systems is described. It shows the information transmission from the satellite to […]