Structural components of the organization of effective activities of student rescue teams to prevent drowning among schoolchildren on the example of the project «Water, ice and safety rules»

  • Post category:№ 17

O.E. Mel’nik1 , Ph.D. of Pedagogic Sciences; E.A. Murashkevich1 ; A.A.Nazarov2
1FSBEE HE Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents the structural components of the organization of student rescue teams to prevent drowning among schoolchildren: a set of didactic support tools; a universal algorithm for conducting a training quest; an «alarm case» for a preventive training event; targeted multi-stage practice-oriented training of volunteers. The effectiveness of preventive work of volunteers is shown by the example of the social project «Water, ice and safety rules».

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