Research of fire hazard parameters of deeply struck extractant in a multicomponent system tributyl phosphate — diluent — nitric acid

  • Post category:Number 18

Vasilyev A.V., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Kondratyeva L.V.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The article provides an overview of literary materials related to explosions and fires at the reprocessing plants and caused by the formation, accumulation and uncontrolled decomposition of traces of tributyl phosphate-based extractant (TBP). The reason for such explosions was the presence in the extractant of its decomposition products — dibutyl phosphoric and monobutyl phosphoric acids (DBP and MBP). To date, the effect of DBP and MBP on the flash and ignition temperatures of an extractant based on TBP has not been determined. The article presents the method of hydrolysis of TBP for accumulation of DBP and MBP in the extractant. The process of measuring the flash point temperature and ignition point temperature of a pure extractant and extractant with different contents of DBP and MBP is described. The dependence of changes the flash point temperature and ignition point temperature on the different contents of DBP and MBP in TBP is shown.

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