Development of a convective fire barrier to reduce the fire hazard of technological processes and industries

Dmitry V. Kargashilov1,2, Irina A. Ivanova1, Anastasia P. Parshina1
1Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia; 2Voronezh Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Voronezh, Russia

The article describes one of the ways to reduce the fire hazard of technological processes and industries by using a convective fire barrier, which can not only prevent the spread of dangerous fire factors beyond its source, but also be used as a fence providing ventilation of spaces with the presence of technological equipment, in which circulate flammable gases or liquids. The authors considered the existing designs of fire barriers and proposed a convective fire barrier, described its design, operating principle, and also presented options for a barrier made of reinforced concrete materials and expanded metal. An example of the practical application of the barrier is given.

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