Fire safety in the context National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation 2021

Alexander I. Lozhkarev,
Julia S. Gazizova,
Tatyana N. Petukhova,
Elena I. Purgina

The Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia

This article presents an analysis of fire safety in the context of the new edition of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The authors identify fundamentally new provisions of the Strategy that not only contribute to a comprehensive and substantive analysis of the field of fire safety, but also increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate natural and manmade emergencies. The authors point to the priority of strengthening the socio-humanitarian component of national security and the increasing role of the human factor in its provision. The necessity of forming a national culture of fire safety issubstantiated, where the direct participants are representatives of the professional community, with a comprehensive system of multifaceted practical activities and training, and public institutions focused on uniting and attracting citizens to participate in solving these problems.

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