Methods of acceptance of works on fire-resistant treatment of metal structures

Gorbunov A.S.1; Korovchenko A.V.2; I.F. Ahmetshin2
1FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
2FSBI «Forensic expert organization Federal Fire Service № 93 «fire testing laboratory» оf Emergencies of Russia»

The article describes the problem of studying the quality of fire-retardant processing of metal structures, an analysis of the new joint venture 433.1325800.2019 «Fire protection of steel structures. Rules for the production of work» and highlighted the problems of its use in practice.

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Analysis of the use of devices used for detection of combustion initiators traces at the fire site

Belyak A.L.1,2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Mogilnikova A.V.1, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; VasilyevA.V.2, Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences; Gorbunov A.S.2
1East-Siberian Institute of the MIA of Russia
2FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Firefighting Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The version of arson is one of the most frequently worked out when determining the cause of the fire. The task of establishing the fact of arson can become the number one task for interrogators and fire criminologists. The main qualifying feature of arson is the fact that when examining the place of fire, traces of the use of combustion initiators are detected. This article provides methods for identifying combustion initiators using various methods.

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Expert study of flashes and explosions that occur during a fire

Kalach A.V.1, D. of Chemical Sciences, Professor; Ageev P.M.2, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences; Sysoeva T.P.2, Ph. D. of technical Sciences
1Voronezh State Technical University
2Saint Petersburg state University of emergencies of Russia

Considered important processes of occurrence of “reverse traction”, “jogging flame” and “total flare” that occur during a fire. These phenomena accompanied by outbreaks, cottons, explosions and promote further development of a fire burning and the formation of new lesions. The process of an explosion when a small amount of water enters during extinguishing is also considered.

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Influence of the method of laying copper wiring on the determination of current overload conditions by metallographic analysis

Aldatov Yu.S.1; Krisanova V.Yu.1; Plotnikova G.V.2, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Docent; Shekov A.A.2,3, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Docent
1Forensic Center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia
2East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
3FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article presents the results of a metallographic study of copper conductor reflow zones obtained as a result of imitation of current overloads when laying directly on the wall surface and in PVC cable ducts of different sizes. It was found that when the conductors are laid directly on the wall surface in the reflow zones, structures are formed, including copper grains with a dendritic structure. When laying conductors in cable channels in the melting zone, equiaxed copper grains and a significant number of macropores are predominantly formed. The change in the structure of the metal in the zone of reflow of the conductor when laying in cable channels is associated with a change in the conditions of heat and gas exchange.

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Optimization of the protective enamel coatings composition for main pipelines in order to prevent technogenic accidents Part 2. Investigation of the effect of nickel oxide additives on the specific electrical conductivity of the model melt and the adhesion strength of ground enamel to steel

Dobrynina N.Yu.1, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences; Vatolina N.D.2, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Docent; Vatolin A.N.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Chemical Sciences, Full Professor
1Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia
2Ural Federal University

The article presents the results of a study of the specific electrical conductivity æ of an equimolar potassium borosilicate melt, which is the basis of a ground enamel for insulating main pipelines. It was found that in the solubility range of nickel oxide (up to 3.0 wt. % NiO) values of æ changed nonmonotonically with increasing NiO content.

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Problems that arise when conducting a forensic examination by several experts in forensic institutions of the federal fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia

Zuev R.V.
FSBEE HE Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia

The article is the first in a series of articles by the author that reveal problems in the organization of work of forensic expert institutions (FEI) of the Federal fire service (FFS) of the Ministry of civil defense, emergencies and disaster management (EMERCOM of Russia). The articles are designed to reveal the accumulated problems, determine the causes of their occurrence and possible solutions. This article describes the difficulties that arise when performing a forensic examination by several fire-technical experts of the FEI FFS EMERCOM of Russia.

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Analytical review of fires and accidents in transport related to the use of lithium-ion batteries

Ejeleva E.E.; Melnik A.A., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Eliseev Yu.N., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
Saint-Petersburg State University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

In recent years, the volume of production of new vehicles represented by electric vehicles has increased, and there is an explosive growth trend in the production of vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries. Cases of fire, explosions and uncontrolled processes are accompanied by specific features and can lead to property damage and personal injury. These incidents are a reminder that the safe operation of lithium-ion batteries is a prerequisite, and serious problems must be resolved soon.

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Analysis of disadvantages of the procedure for calculation of fire risk in non-production buildings and development of recommendations for its improvement

Tryapitsyn A.B., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, Docent; Polunin G.A., Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences
South Ural State University

With the entry into force of 123-FZ in 2008, the final transition to the concept of acceptable risk in the field of fire safety took place in the Russian Federation. The legislation established first the levels of acceptable risk, and then the methods of its calculation. This article is devoted to the analysis of the shortcomings of this approach, identified by both the authors and the professional community.

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Optimization of the protective enamel coatings composition for main pipelines in order to prevent technogenic accidents Part 1. Investigation of the effect of the diffusion mobility of nickel cations in a model melt on the adhesion strength of ground enamel to steel

Dobrynina N.Yu.1, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences; Vatolina N.D.2, Ph.D. of Chemical Sciences, Docent; Vatolin A. N.2, Holder of an Advanced Doctorate (Doctor of Science) in Chemical Sciences, Full Professor
1Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia
2Ural Federal University

This article presents the results of studies of the nickel cations diffusion mobility in an equimolar potassium borosilicate melt, which is the basis of ground enamel for insulating main pipelines. It was found that in the region of nickel oxide solubility (up to 3.0 wt% NiO), the diffusion coefficients changed by 2-4 orders of magnitude depending on the study temperature, which is explained by polymerization-depolymerization reactions in borosilicate melt.

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Influence of the content of solid phase particles in foam on the foam-powder extinguishing compositions. thermal stability

Koksharov A.V., Ph. D. of of chemical Sciences, Docent; Gaynullina E.V., Ph. D. of technical Sciences, Docent; Kondratieva M.L., Ph. D. of of chemical Sciences
Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia

The thermal stability of foam containing silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, and talc powders was studied in this paper. It was found that introducing the powder into the foam significantly decreases its destruction rate under temperature conditions. Increasing the foam stability contributes to the accumulation of liquid and powder on its surface, which are formed as a result of the upper foam layer destruction and shield heat flows.

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