The journal reviews and accepts articles on the specific topics:
2.3.4. – Management in organizational systems (technical sciences)
Actualization of the problem of evaluating the activities of the repair and technical center of the territorial body of EMERCOM of Russia
Aristarkhov V.A., Babkin S.A., Dvoenko O.V., Kochegarov A.V.
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Support for management decision-making when notifying the public with the help of UAV in case of a threat and occurrence of an emergency
Balobanov A.A., Skripka A.V., Akinshin S.S.
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Graph model for assessing the need for material resources at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
Satin A.P., Ryzhenko N.U., Sharshunova A.E.
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The process of developing a system of indicators and criteria for determining the rational provision of units of the ministry of emergency situations of Russia located in the arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Smirnov A.S., Balobanov A.A., Novikov V.R., Pryanichnikov A.V.
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Mathematical modeling of the use of gas and smoke protection service units in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aldabekov A.T.
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Types and methods of backup of life support systems during accidents at electric power facilities
Zotov E.I., Gorokhov V.A., Ivanchenko D.I.
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Modeling the process of promoting new fire-fighting products using Markov random processes
Kuzmenko R.V., Glushkov A.Yu., Sushko E.A., Poryadina V.L., Kuznetsova К.А.
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2.10.1. – Fire safety (technical sciences)
Assessment of the fire-retardant effectiveness of the paintwork during its operation
Anosova E.B., Fatykhov R.R., Eremina J.Yu.
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Features of fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations, damaged tanks with petroleum products
Kargashilov D.V., Ivanova I.A., Arifullin E.Z., Kargashilov G.D.
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Investigation of the effectiveness of a protective casing to prevent freezing of pump and hose systems at sub-zero temperatures
Kurtov S.O., Maly V.P., Makarov V.M.
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Fire condition in the forests of the south of the Far East on the example of Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories
Orlov A.M., Andreev Yu.А., Chakov V.V., Pozdniakova V.V., Gromyko O.S., Grishchenova Yu.A.
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On some features of the implementation of state fire supervision in modern conditions
Sedov D.V., Kuzmin D.V.
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The results of using a virtual simulator to detect and classify fire initiators in the study of objects of fire technical expertise
Troyak E.Yu., Ubiennykh E.S., Slepov A.N., Gorbunov A.S.
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Experimental studies on the use of water curtains to limit the spread of cascade fires in rural settlements in Vietnam
Chan D.C.
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Approaches to the management of the fire safety system based on the analysis of the fire situation in the Republic of Tajikistan from 2019 to 2023
Androsenko S.G., Blinov D.L., Jamolidinzoda M.D., Istratov R.N., Mironenko R.V.
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Ensuring the reliability of fire alarm systems: problems and prospects
Snezhko A.A., Babenyshev S.V., Milovidova T.A., Styran A.M., Dvoitsova I.N.
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Experimental study of the effectiveness of water curtains for protection from heat fluxes of forest fires
Khalikov R.V., Isaenko E.N., Shokarova D.A., Koval Yu.N.
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Development of a conductometric method for assessing the quality of fire retardant application on wood
Koksharov A.V., Paznikova S.N.
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Development of a system of indicators of the risk of violation of fire safety requirements in the implementation of fire supervision
Kuzmina T.A., Marchenko M.A., Pashkina T.M.
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The relevance of the application of the Rules for the installation of electrical installations in the organization and implementation of fire prevention
Kholoptsev A.V., Shubkin R.G., Babenishev S.V.
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The movement of the North magnetic pole and the stability of current trends in interannual changes in total solar radiation fluxes in Russia
Kholoptsev A.V., Shubkin R.G., Volkova V.V.
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